We know it may not look like we did anything when we leave your property after installing fall bulbs.
Trust us: they’re in the ground working their magic now so they can impress you in the spring. Here’s what you should know about fall bulbs:
Care for All Bulbs
Spring-blooming bulbs don’t usually need any supplemental watering or fertilizing. It’s best to just let them be – they will get everything they need from the soil and weather.
If they start sprouting too early, don’t worry. Sometimes when we have unseasonably warm weather
you’ll see the plants start to peek out. Usually, it gets cold again and they’ll stop growing. This won’t affect their performance in the spring.
Dealing with Wildlife
Some daffodil varieties are less appealing to Squirrels and other animals, but you may still find that the local wildlife is interested in your bulbs. Deer are sometimes interested in Tulips after they sprout.
If you notice animals taking an interest in your bulbs, let your LandKeeping Consultant know. Our crews can come out to apply products that will deter them. You can do this yourself too with products like Deer Scram that can be found online or at hardware stores.
Will They Rebloom in Future Years?
Daffodils will come back year after year. When they’re finished blooming, our crews will come back to trim the flowers, but we’ll leave the foliage. Doing this allows the bulbs to store up energy to bloom again next year. We’ll come back and clean it all up later in the season.
With our Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio climate, it’s best to treat Tulips like an annual. They just don’t bloom as well in subsequent years. Our teams will return to dig them up when they’ve finished blooming.