Caring for Your Lawn

Here is what we recommend you do to maintain green, healthy grass year-round:

Watering deeply and infrequently is the best way to help your grass grow strong roots that can better withstand any draughts. If you have an irrigation system, it’s likely taking care of this for you. Here are some things to watch for:

  • Signs of overwatering: standing water, yellowing grass, or spots on the lawn that are particularly squishy and muddy.
  • Signs of underwatering: brown, straw-like patches of grass

Set your sprinkler at the lowest level where it will still rotate and then move the sprinkler periodically until you’ve watered your whole lawn.

Most grass varieties in our area prefer a height of 3.5-4 inches. Set your mower deck to mow at this height, mowing too short can weaken the grass while letting your grass get too long can result in it sending energy into creating seeds instead of growing strong roots. You will likely need to mow more frequently in the Spring than in the Summer and Fall.

Leaves and Debris
Leaves and debris sitting on the grass can weaken and kill the grass. Try to clean up leaves as they fall, and don’t let piles of leaves or debris sit on top of the grass. Move them into mulch beds or dispose of them.

This is also true for other items – the kids’ slip and slide, a hose, and even yard tools. If left on the grass for too long, they will kill the spot underneath them.

You can learn more about our lawn care program, and what it provides to help your grass grow green and strong from our sister company, Grunder Green.